Thursday, October 31, 2019
The impact of divorce on children Research Paper
The impact of divorce on children - Research Paper Example Most couples separate after a considerable period of marital upheaval, so it may be more accurate to think of divorce as a series of interrelated events rather than a single, easily categorized experience. (Emery, 2004) The effects which have been noted in children varied considerably with several factors including but not limited to a child's age, their gender, and even the number of siblings in their family. Being such a complex issue, it is not always a simple matter to tease apart individual correlations, to say nothing of ultimate causes, of divorce outcomes. Several impacts of parental separations are immediate and obvious, such as changes in the child's living arrangements or financial situation. Others are more difficult to quantify, such as the effects divorce may have on the emotional states of children, their senses of self, their friendships or their later intimate relationships. The number of children who experience their parents' divorce each year has been rising for so me time, and is now recognized as a significant public health issue. (Wolchik et al., 2002) It is extremely difficult to quantify the full impact of divorce on children for several reasons. According to Cowan and Cowan, most studies of divorce's impact on children have the following notable flaws: 1) They were begun after the divorce or separation had occurred; 2) Most studies do not assess the impact of parents in a highly conflicted relationship who stay together, instead comparing only married and divorced parents; 3) Divorce can have a positive effect on some lives, while it has a negative effect on others. Research has not yet managed to explain under what circumstances a divorce will have a negative or positive impact (nor the extent of that impact) on children. (Cowan & Cowan, 2006) It has been well-documented that divorce can have a decidedly negative impact on a child's mental health well into adulthood. As long as 30 years after the separation of their parents, adults who were children when their parents divorced may continue to experience anxiety, depression, and trouble connecting intimately in their lives with spouses or their own children. (Estimates of the number of children who experience divorce each year vary widely, but most agree that at least one million children see their parents divorce each year, joining the over 40 million children and adults whose parents have already separated. (Emery, 2004) â€Å"Parental divorce is experienced by 1.5 million children each year in the United States†according to Wolchik et al. (2002) Custody is a common source of stress for children and adults when a couple with children decide to separate. â€Å"Tragically, it rarely works out very well. It is usually extremely difficult for the parents to work out a satisfactory arrangement, and even more difficult for them to fully abide by whatever arrangement is made. And when the situation is problematical for them, this inevitably causes the children to suffer.†(Meyerhoff, 2005) Later Meyerhoff calls joint custody, an agreement which arranges for both parents to share equal custody of a child, â€Å"a failed experiment,†but says that most parents become extremely distressed when primary custody is awarded to their partner. (Meyerhoff, 2005) Children of divorce often continue to suffer for many years after the custody disputes have been settled.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Explain Anselm’s Ontological Argument Essay Example for Free
Explain Anselm’s Ontological Argument Essay Explain Anselm’s ontological argument. The ontological argument was put forth at first as a prayer by the eleventh century monk and philosopher Anselm of Canterbury. In his Proslogion, which means discourse, he presented this argument as a prayer for believers to substantiate their belief in god. Anselm uses ‘a priori’ (which means before experience) reasoning, which conveys that it does not rely or depend on experience and so an argument of this sort is more plausible and likely to intrigue and attract philosophers, by not depending on experience or acquaintances it can be understood and derived purely from logic. Furthermore its truth doesn’t depend on anything apart from logic and can be deduced purely from the meaning of the words used in the argument. The ontological argument uses deductive reasoning, which means its conclusion is contained within the premises presented, and if one accepts these premises to be true then one must accept that the conclusion is also correct; an argument of this sort would be: 1. Men are all mortal. 2. Renà © Descartes was a man. 3. Consequently Renà © Descartes is mortal. From this example if we accept the premises (12) then logically we must accept the conclusion (3) so in some form this argument presents a guarantee of the truth of the conclusion. Anselm’s argument said ‘God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived’, by greater he means perfect and by conceived he means to think of, so we can put in other words: God is that than which nothing more perfect can be thought of. When Anselm first wrote this in the Proslogion, his intentions for this were not for it to be used as an argument to prove God’s existence but just a mere prayer for believers, but due to his reliance solely on reason and logic it has become popular and has overcome the test of time as it is still relevant today and is being studied. The argument can take this form: 1. God is that than which nothing more perfect can be thought of. 2. Even a fool can understand this definition. (By fool Anselm most likely meant someone who does not believe in god, and so he said this to show that this argument is nothing of a complex sort but of a simple nature which can be comprehended by anyone, even a fool as Anselm said.) 3. This fool says that god ceases to exist in reality, merely as an idea. 4. It is greater to exist both in the understanding and in reality, than essentially just in the understanding. 5. The greatest possible being, for it to be the greatest must truly exist in both modes: reality and understanding. 6. Hence god does exist both in reality and in the understanding; therefore we can also conclude that the fool in reality is actually a fool. (The fool is denying the existence of the greatest possible being, this being must exist for it to be the greatest possible being, and if he wasn’t the greatest possible being then surely we could conceive of something greater.) Anselm starts the argument with a definition, and uses this definition to prove god into existence, however this argument relies on a particular definition and analysis of a particular one. There are two fundamental and paramount facets to this argument: one is the understanding of the definition, this is an integral part of the argument, because the argument arises from this start point, and also that it is greater to exist both in reality and in understanding. Anselm understood god in an analytical sense, analytic sense is where the whole meaning of a word or statement is transferred through the words only, like for example, Tom has a brother, you wouldn’t say he has a brother who is a male because the fact that he is a male is already conveyed through the meaning of the word brother. And so likewise, Anselm understood god in the same way, so it isn’t necessary to say ‘god, you know exists’ the aspect of existence is already given away from the word god, and so in a way could be perceived as inseparable from god. This argument mentioned hitherto was found in Proslogion 2, which tried to prove gods existence. A contemporary of his, Gaunilo of Marmoutier who was a monk and also a theist, replied to Anselm’s Proslogion, with a work titled ‘On Behalf of the Fool’, he was truly also a Christian and had a firm belief in god, but he rejected the jump from the definition that god is the greatest being to the conclusion that he must exist. Gaunilo claimed that through Anselm’s reasoning we can potentially prove anything one wishes into existence by proposing it’s the greatest thing or maximally perfect in its calibre. He used the example of an Island, that if we were to say that there existed an island which was the most excellent and possessed an inestimable wealth, we can easily understand this; even a fool can comprehend this. And therefore it is the most excellent, and it is more excellent to exist both in reality and in understanding moreover this island must exist. He argued even a fool is right to be sceptical about Anselm’s argument, as evidence is required for a matter as great as god. Furthermore he went on to claim that Anselm’s argument is a ‘reducto ad absurdum’, this is Latin for reduced to absurdity. As Anselm was aware of this criticism during his lifetime, he wrote a Reply to Gaunilo, in this he defends his argument and draws up another aspect. He says ‘God cannot be conceived not to exist†¦ That which can be conceived not to exist is not god’. This introduces another matter; Anselm asks whether a god is greater who can be thought of as not existing or a god which cannot be thought of not existing. Furthermore he claims that it is a contradiction for a god who can be thought of not existing if he truly is the greatest possible. Anselm created a dichotomy between the concepts of things: necessary and contingent existences. Anselm himself didn’t use these aforementioned terms himself but were later applied by philosophers but Anselm did split the two as he described the island as physical and therefore he could easily propose that it could cease to exist due to other physical causes like for example the sea levels rising could eradicate the island completely. However he said that it is impossible to imagine the greatest being not existing or ceasing to exist, and then surely it would not be the greatest being. Necessary existences do not depend on any other thing for it to exist, as it is the greatest thing so it is not predisposed to anything else. On the other hand, contingent existences do depend on other things and also there was a time when they didn’t exist, like for example humans, who are a perfect example of a contingent being. However Anselm argued that god was a necessary being, and it cannot be thought of as not existing, it has always exists and always will. It is rather hard to conceive of another necessary being or existence apart from this. Anselm put forward this proposition in Proslogion 3, that god has a necessary existence, and this is the type of god that he is, in this way Anselm shows that Gaunilo was a fool as he didn’t understand the type of god that Anselm discussed.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Freedom Of Media Media Essay
The Freedom Of Media Media Essay This study seeks to explore the state of Freedom of Media during the Musharraf regime, the developments , achievements and then the restrictions imposed by the President are also intended to be analyzed. During the nine years of Musharraf regime media have gone through various critical and crucial phases. The progress of mass media, the freedom, the laws to curb the media, technological developments are some big phases the Musharraf government is associated with. This study is descriptive in nature and looks at certain political developments as predictors of media freedom. Political decisions that made people of Pakistan prosper or suffer and to what extent. The relationship between different institutions of the society and their effects on each other is studied, the structural-functional theory that suggests society works as whole on the basis of different institutions that are its structures performing their specific functions shows that media is one of these institutions .Mass media are the focus of this research it is hoped that it will be a little contribution towards the media development process, strains, achievements adding to the media history of Pakistan. Introduction Mass media are mirror of the society depicting the political environment and making discourses on the issues of significance. mass media can be defined as: The methods and organisations used by specialist social groups to convey messages to large, socially mixed and widely dispersed audiences (Haralambos et al., 2000, p935) In The German Ideology (1846), Marx asserts that the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. Applying this to Marxism, the media are the means by which the ideas of the ruling class maintain their dominance as the ruling ideas (Haralambos Holborn, 2000, p937). The Marxist view was dominant in Britain and Europe from the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s, and is still used in modern research. Although less dominant now, Marxism still affects much media research. In studying the relationship between media and government, the most important role of the media is its ability to perform a watchdog role, monitoring and criticizing government behavior because when the media performs this function it is able to act as a forum for political debate regardless of other limitationson its freedom. In his press freedom index, Van Belle (2000) focuses on the ability of the news media to criticize the government and thereby serve as an arena for political competition. This more narrow definition of media independence is aimed more at the function and practices of the media. While the political, legal, economic, and professional environments each play a role in the capability of the media to serve as a watchdog and an arena for political competition. Mass media are a structural and functional unit of the society .Every society constitutes several institutions that work together to make the system functional and stable . These social institutions are known as social structures and the work performed by them are called social functions in the structural functional theory . This theory was developed from 1930 to 1960 in the United States by Comte, Herbert Spencer and Durkheim . According to Marxist media analysis, media institutions are regarded as being locked into the power structure, and consequently as acting largely in tandem with the dominant institutions in society. The media thus reproduced the viewpoints of dominant institutions not as one among a number of alternative perspectives, but as the central and obvious or natural perspective (Curran et al. 1982: 21). According to adherents of Marxist political economy, in the mass media there is a tendency to avoid the unpopular and unconventional and to draw on values and assumptions which are most valuable and most widely legitimated (Murdock Golding 1977: 37, cited in Curran et al. 1982: 26). Similarly, some Marxist commentators have contended that media portrayals of elections constitute dramatized rituals that legitimate the power structure in liberal democracies; voting is seen as an ideological practice that helps to sustain the myth of representative democracy, political equality and collective self-determination. The impact of election coverage is thus conceived in terms of reinforcing political values that are widely shared in Western democracies and are actively endorsed by the education system, the principal political organizations and the apparatus of the state (Curran et al. 1982: 15). Alex de Tocqueville(1988,p517) once said only a newspaper can put the same thought at the same time before a thousand readers. In this century the same can be said about television, radio and internet which can provide information to million people simultaneously across the globe .Due to this power of mass media governments try to control media and influence media content in their own interest and sometimes in national interest. Media freedom around the world is different ,developed countries have a better state of media freedom than developing and under developed countries.Research shows that media freedom has relationship with other factors too. Media freedom is directly related to economy , technological advancement ensures media freedom similarly polity is a major reason behind curbing media freedom In the Marxist fundamentalist tradition, political economists see ideology as subordinate to the economic base (Curran et al. 1982: 26). Work by Graham Murdock (Murdock Golding, 1977; Murdock, 1982) represents the critical political economy approach, locating the power of media in the economic processes and structures of media production. Ownership and economic control of the media is seen as the key factor in determining control of media messages. .Education and religion are also factors that influence freedom of mass media. The effects of media freedom on economy and polity is evident from the the scenario in the African country Swaziland . It is a developing country where the system of government includes a king and a prime minister along with the cabinet . The government of Swaziland like many others in Africa has declared many times that the Swazi press is free with no attempt to gag or intimidate journalists. However, there has never been a specific free press clause in the Swazi constitution. In the article The politics of press freedom and the national economy Matt Mogekwu mentions the fact that the Swazi Government and the media-especially the independent media do not appear to be working in concert towards development. The patron-client relationship that seems to exist between them has elicited some degree of resentment on the part of the press that has manifested itself in the kind of confrontational stance taken by the press over the past couple of years. The journalists write as if to dare the government. This is unhealthy for the country in its dysfunctional consequences. There are progressive groups who oppose the system that is against the basic principles of modern democracy and fosters authoritarianism. They argue that the system discourages freedom of expression and limits the peoples contribution to policy decision making. The world outside picks up all of these pieces of information about continued discontent in Swaziland. There is an obvious effect of media government relation in Swaziland on its econmy the writer says in his article that The King, as Head of State, makes a number of overseas trips each year to woo investors. But the dividends from these trips are hardly ever significant. The picture that the King presents to the outside world hardly coincides with the picture created by the press. The differential interpretations of political philosophies and activities among groups in the country or between the government and the governed leads to a climate of fear that is felt outside. The Kings many trips overseas in search of investors w ill come to nothing if there is any dissonance in the minds of the potential investors regarding the investment climate in the country. The media play a crucial role in establishing this climate. Attempts at controlling parameters of (political) debate have serious consequences here. Form and substance and comparative freedom of public communication will be influenced by political news. The writer concludes Press freedom has become a very important political issue in Swaziland.In general, the government appears reluctant to hasten the process of democratization both in the area of communication and the general area of governance, thus creating problems for itself. The media need information to function and when they are denied this, they can react in several ways, one of which is being critical of government and its policies and help paint an unfavourable picture of the country to the outside world. The country thus has to suffer in many aspects . The issue of technological development with respect to media freedom is discussed by an author,In her article on New media and freedom of expression in Asia Ariel Heryanto of The university of Melbourne says about new media technologies that the global technological change that the west has helped propel forward has given more favorable effects to less modernized parts of Asia the reason for this relate to both technology and social factors. She adds In a sense world history can be seen as history of changes in media technology. The spread of radically new medium of communication always threatens existing power structures and hierarchies, and helps create new ones. Lawson (2002, 139) found that in Mexico, media openness led to increased coverage, first by the niche media and then by more mainstream media, of government corruption and state-sponsored repression: The discovery that Mexican audiences devoured scandalous information only encouraged greater reporting of incendiary and shocking events. For media owners, scandals sold newspapers and boosted ratings; for reporters, they helped make careers and satisfied personal desires to participate in a new kind of journalistic enterprise that would expose the failings of authoritarian rule. Market forces and journalistic norms thus encouraged Mexicos media to expose spectacular instances of government abuse. Political scientist Karl Deutsch has called that the system of communication proves a nerve of polityand any breakdown of the nerve may cause dysfunctional impact in the performance of the plity causing governance decay. In America the publics right to know is one of the central principles of American society. They determined long ago that the power of knowledge should be in the hands of people .The constitution of the United States became law in 1971 . The first amendment says that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press The government leaves it to people to settle issues with the mass media .Laws made in America at later stages have been all to give more freedom to media unlike Pakistan , where laws meant direct curb on media freedom. Few press laws are in force in the U.S. because of this broad constitutional protection of press freedom and analogous provisions in the constitutions of the 50 states. Existing laws tend to provide additional protections in categories not covered by the Constitution. The Privacy Act of 1974, for example, regulates the collection and dissemination of personal information contained in the files of federal agencies; the Privacy Protection Act of 1980 establishes protection from police searches of newsrooms. Additional examples include federal and state Freedom of Information and sunshine laws (such as the 1966 federal Freedom of Information Act) which opens up executive-branch records to public and press scrutiny. Similarly Britain is also very friendly to the media and respect the fact that democratic states have free media . There are no laws to stop the publication of accurate information as far as they are accurate and comments are free for anyone who wants to comment on any issue they want. Britain has also developed a strongly liberal democratic concept of freedom of expression, which emphasis the special role of the media and the particular importance of freedom of the press. The media therefore have a powerful weapon to use in challenging legal restrictions on the investigation and publication of matters of public interest but the right to freedom of the press in Britain must always be balanced against other rights and interests. The need to protect national security and public order and the rights of individuals to privacy and reputation will often outweigh the publics interest in knowing certain information. The balancing of rights and interests is common to all legal systems. However, a liberal democratic concept of freedom of expression demands that the government shows that its restrictions on the media are both necessary and as limited as possible. Pakistan is a developing state and the mass media have not been very free until the Musharraf regime, it was the time when technological boom took birth in Pakistan giving a new life to mass media. Pakistan has struggled through an entangled and unstable political system. Pakistan has had three periods of military rule that alternated with democracy rule, interval between them being approximately ten years. Military regimes were from 1958-71, Ayub regime was the first military regime then it was Zia-ul-huaq from 1977-1988 and last was the Musharraff regime from 1999-2008. Democratic regimes did not last for long therefore democracy had no time to get its roots strong. The various military regimes were very much interested in controlling the media, the most effective tool the media that was used to curb media freedom by them were media laws to reign it. Ayub khan was the first one to promulgate media laws in the country. He promulgates the press and publication ordinance (PPO) in 1962. This law empowered the authorities to confiscate newspaper, arrest and torture journalists and close down news agencies. Using these laws Ayub khan took over one of the two largest news agencies and nationalized the press. By these actions other agencies were pushed into severe crisis and they were forced to get help financially from the government as they had no other choice. TV and radio were also under the control of government due to their financial weakness. In the Zia regime (PPO) Press and Publication Ordinance was again made additions to in the 1980s. According to the amendments, the prosecuted if a story was not liked or approved by the authorities it was not published even it would have been true. In the past our media was dependent on the government because , revenue came from government advertisements and subsidies. The state owned channels was therefore was totally controlled by the government, freedom to speak or broadcast anything against the ruling party was a taboo. It was not even thinkable to produce programs in which analysts and critics could discuss various moves and decisions of the government. Media earned very little from the private sector because it had a small volume. But with changing media environment many national and international organizations have become source of big revenues giving economic strength to media, enabling it to be independent this financial independence have given the media independence in thought and action nowadays this freedom of thought is visible in editorial and content independence. 1999 was not a good year for the press of Pakistan. even for democracy it was not a good time, as on october 12 the Pakistani Army took the government from the Prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif. This happened because Nawaz sharif attempted to dismiss Chief of Army staff Gneral Pervez Musharraf. In the begining of year 1999, The Nawaz sharif government tried to sub-due one of the largest media groups Jang. Journalists were punished who had cooperated in the BBCs production, a documentary investigating the corruption about the family and its business. these acts totally showed the acts of government to intimidate , harass and punish the press. but they were out to public within Pakistan and abroad as well. PPF Report by Owais Aslam(reference) Even the media was apparently enjoying freedom the inner story was quite different, the freedom given to media, allowing humorous criticism and open talk shows , critics speaking of their views , the military dictator carefully created perception of free media this helped him market himself and made it possible to sustain his regime as long as nine years. This study includes the strategies and events that were against the constitution and public wish, which were main reasons to tarnish the concept of democracy . Musharraf was swept in office with 98 percent of the official tally in April 2002 referendum but that referendum presented voters with no opponents and the following ballot question : Do u want to elect President Musharraf for the next five years for the survival of local government system , restoration of democracy, continuity and stability of reforms , eradication of extremism and sectarianism and for the accomplishment of Quaid e Azam ( i.e Pakistans founder Mouhammad Ali Jinnahs ) concept. The decisions made by Musharraf were not much appraised by the people from small decisions like day time saving scheme to the change in the constitution. DOMESTIC PROBLEMS OF MUSHARRAF: ELECTIONS 2002 Many judges resigned in protest when Musharrad assumed power . He cleverly got the Oath of judges order 2000 issued so that the judges take fresh oath and give their written word on not taking any action against the military. On May 12 , 2000 , Supreme court gave the order of holding national elections , which took place in 2001. Musharraf wanted to legitimize his Presidency and to keep it under the pressure of democracy he held referendum on April 30, 2002 to extend his term to five years since he was enjoying the office very much. He was aware of irregularities in the referendum , thus apologized from the nation on television. LFO Legal framework order was passed by Musharraf in August 2002 it provided for the general elections of 2002 and the revival of constitution of 1973 but with many ammendments. A part of this order of was rejected by supreme court. SUSPENSION OF CHIEF JUSTICE Pervez Musharraf suspended the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on th 9th of March 2007. There was corruption charges against him and a reference was filed against him. Then Justice Javed Iqbal became the acting chief justice. The suspension of the chief Justice became one of the major harvoc for Musharraf that pushed him in becoming unpopular and resulted in ending of his regime. In the nine years regime Musharraf and Pakistan have gone through various phases , the phase of Musharraf regime that faced the Judicial crisis is worth noticing as it led to his downfall. JUDICIAL ACTIVISM Musharrafs move to suspend the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry sparked protests among Pakistan lawyers. On March 12 , 2007 lawyers started Judicial activism across Pakistan . They bycotted all court procedures in protest against the suspension. slowly the expression of support for the chief justice gained momentum and by May the huge rallies against Musharraf and his regime as Army chief was challen DECLERATION OF EMERGENCY Nov, 3, 2007, Black Saturday will go down as another day in our history. Emergency was imposed only to forget two institutions 1 .Judiciary 2. Media Chief justice Abdul Hameed Dogar, who took the seat after Justice Ifthikar Choudhry was dismissed, was pro Musharraf, so on 24 Nov, 2007, a seven larger bench of the supreme court under him directed the election commissioner and the government to declare Pervez Musharraf president for a second term by December 1, and said that he shall relinquish the office of chief of army staff (COAS) before taking oath, as president the supreme court also accepted the provisional constitutional order and validated the declared emergency. He was justified by the court to qualify for the election, constitutionally. Thus the target of general Musharraf was achieved safely to get re-elected with both the offices in his hand. Curbs on media were imposed by amendments in two ordinances. These ordinances bar them from printing or broadcasting anything which defames or brings into ridicule the head of state or executive legislative or judicial organ of the state Restraints have also been put on the media for printing or broadcasting material that is likely jeopardize or be prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or the sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan, or any material that is likely to incite violence or hatred or create inter- faith disorder or be prejudicial to maintenance of law and order. Curbs for the electronic media were more than the print. Musharraf attempted to gag cyber space but was futile, minute by minute information about raids, arrests, of journalists, activists, and lawyers. ppf report 1999 by Owais Aslam Mass media around the world were already progressing and flourishing on healthy pace but it was Pakistan among those countries where media was the property of the Government. it was the mouthpiece of the ruling party and in case of providing entertainment, no policies or efforts were made by the state owned channel to compete with the outer world. entertainment was possible for those only who had Dish antennae, recievers, decoders etc. Although Zia was a dictator, a millitary person but he was an Islamist .Zia ruled Pakistan from 1977 to 1988 but that was a period when Pakistan underwent Islamisation. it became a secular nation-state, which was the original vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. now the state religion of Pakistan is Islam but its people are divided due to cultural clash between liberal and religious forces. witht the passage of time and changing governments it has become Presidential Federal democratic republic. Unlike Zia General Pervez Musharraf had a philosophy of enlightment in every area of life. in case of religion he had the view of enlightened Islam even wanted the Pakistani nation to follow the path of modernization under the label of his philosophy of enlightment. Similarly media was benefitted by this enlightment, it broadened the media scene in Pakistan. Pervez Musharraf had a liberal policy for media development that led to explosion of channels and private investors to jump in the show. It was quite a favour by Gneral Pervez Musharraf that his government gave and implemented the Deregulation policy and privately owned commercial media flourished and nourished the nation, mentally. Now the 24 hrs news and entertainment channels are the buddy and need of many people. The availability of information, news and entertainment channels have proved to play a catalytic role for social change and national development. Musharraf practiced the idea of Media democracy and tolerate the biased sections of media successfully for quite a time period but later when his regime was in danger and he could not justify his deeds he started curbing the freedom of media, that already was given by him. Editors were gaged, newschannels were banned. Most analysts and journalists (including Mir Khalil ur Rehman, founder of Pakistans largest media conglomerate) attribute this freedom to President General Pervez Musharrafs regime. He, for the first time, removed almost all curbs from the then strangled media groups. Most people count this as the now-deposed dictators biggest gift to Pakistan during his tenure. It is ironic, of course, that the same media he worked so hard to free was the one that was finally instrumental in having him exiled from the country. Objective of the study: This study aims to find the extent and reality about freedom that media enjoyed in the Musharraf regime. This study will also analyze the relationship between government (polity) economy, technological advancement and media freedom As stated in the earlier chapters, many studies have been conducted around the world regarding media freedom. Mostly media freedom was studied in advanced developed countries but in developing countries the studies are few. In case of Pakistan, Pakistan media is in its infancy specially the electronic media but developing very fast. In the past all media were under strict control of the government, instead of being watchdog it was called the mouthpiece of the ruling party. In all military regimes the media was under strict check by the government but in Musharraf regime the media scene started to change and he introduced a free environment to all the media. This freedom from the start till the end is covered in this study. Hopefully this will be a useful study to see the changes that media went through in Musharraf regime. These changes, and advancements will be important to evaluate and study for future researchers of the field as it is important to record the development stages of Pakistan media into a proper mature institution
Friday, October 25, 2019
Exterior of the Crystal Palace Essay -- Architecture
Crystal Palace, Exterior The Crystal Palace was dismantled and rebuilt in Sydenham after the closing of the Fair and stood there until 1936 when it was destroyed by fire. Although it is no longer standing today, this structure is documented in photographs such as this one, through which it can continue to influence the worlds of architecture and engineering. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was the first event of its kind, bringing together people from all over the earth in an environment of peace and intellectual stimulation. Conceived as an "Exhibition of the Works of all Nations", the Great Exhibition was the brainchild of Prince Albert and Henry Cole of England. Queen Victoria's husband, his mind always "bent towards the artistic", was easily convinced by Cole to take on this event of massive proportions (Beaver, 11). As President of the Society of Arts, the Prince had played a large role in the exhibitions of 1847, 1848, and 1849. When a Royal Commission was formed in 1850, he was again chosen as President. Consequently, when Cole proposed a larger British Exhibition for the year 1851, he looked to the Prince for approval (Beaver, 11). The idea of a National Exhibition did not originate with the British, but with the French, who had organized the first exhibition of national products as early as 1798 and had held an exposition every five years since the beginning of the century. The fair in 1849 was particularly well organized and Cole hastily took leave to Paris to observe this event. He found that the initial plans for the 1851 Exposition in London were far too naà ¯ve, and if the British wanted to surpass the French, they must set their sights higher. The original site for the Great Exposition was to be the courtyard of... Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, 1851. London: Victoria and Albert Museum. 1972. Hitchcock, Henry Russell. The Crystal Palace: the structure, its antecedents and its immediate progeny: and exhibition. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College Museum of Art, 1952. Hobhouse, Christopher. 1851 and the Crystal Palace; being an account of the Great Exhibition and its contents; of Sir Joseph Paxton; and the erection, the subsequent history and the destruction of his masterpiece. London, Murray, 1950. Hyman, Isabelle; Trachtenberg, Marvin. Architecture. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1986. Newhall, Beaumont. The History of Photography: from 1839 to the present. New York: Museum of Modern Art. 1982. Smithsonian. India Trough the Lens: Photography 1840-1911. Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. February 2001.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Food Waste in America Essay
40% of the food America produces is wasted.1 Have you ever thought of how much food you waste a day? The average American wastes about 250 pounds of food every year.2 That’s about $600 dollars worth of food.3 Imagine what you could do with $600.00. No one notices what is in the back of their fridge or what goes into their trash can. Before you say that you don’t do that, think back to a moment when you had the chance to take the restaurant food home, but you declined it because you were too full. Now, imagine thousands of people doing that every day. Tons and tons of food is wasted. Over 33 million tons of food is wasted every year in America. 4 That is enough to fill a 90,000 seat football stadium to the brim with food over 120 times.5 We waste so much food that our food waste could power Switzerland for an entire year. Americans should lower the amount of food they waste by taking home extra food from restaurants and buying appropriate amounts of food at the store . 1 wasted food 2011 5 3 much food does the average american waste.htm 4 basic.htm 5 2 Everybody has been to a restaurant before and not finished their food. Well, did you ever think about bringing it home to finish later? Most people don’t think like that, since they are full at the moment, and believe they won’t eat it later. Give it a try and bring it home to eat it for a quick dinner later. Well, you might say ,â€Å"Oh well, I didn’t like the food.†There is nothing  wrong with that. If you don’t like the food then, you don’t like it. I’m not going to argue with that, no one likes to eat everything in the world. All I’m saying is open your eyes and notice how much food is being wasted at restaurants. Restaurants are America’s food source. We go to restaurants when we don’t feel like making dinner.​ The average family goes to dinner around thirty five times a year. So, let’s say you waste on average five ounces. of food every time you go to dinner. That’s about ten lbs. of food wasted in one year just by going to restaurants. Now, let’s add your family into this. If you have a four member family that would be forty lbs. of food wasted by your family. That is equivalent to around forty plates of food being thrown out, and you could have eaten half of that at home. The moral of the story is that if you reduce the amount of waste at restaurants, you can make a big difference in lowering America’s waste percentage. The average American family spends about $8,513 on groceries a year, and wastes about $600 of that food.6 Basically, the average American family wastes about fourteen percent of the food they buy. Families are wasting way too much food. My generation has grown up with this, so it’s all that we know. It is very hard to extinguish a bad habit. Have you ever heard of the saying, â€Å"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach?†That is actually very true. Have you ever seen people unload their food from their cart at a grocery store? I have seen people have so much food that they have to get another cart. That is just ridiculous. If you have a big family, that’s fineà ¾ but if you only have two to four people in your family, then you are purchasing too much food. There are simple ways to not overspend at a grocery store. One way to not overspend at a grocery store is to make a grocery list or  have a leftover day. Have a leftovers on Wednesday or Sunday. Not everybody does this, but no one is innocent. most people have overbought amounts of food at some point. Maybe you ate the food ,maybe you didn’t. It is important to think before you go along buying more food than you can handle. This goes right back to the saying, â€Å"your eyes are bigger than your stomach.†Taking home food from restaurants and buying appropriate amounts of food at your local grocery store is a great way to lower food waste. America has the largest waste percentage in the world. That is not anything to be proud of. Do you ever think about how much food you throw away in a month? Food waste is a big problem in America, It could be lowered by just doing a couple simple of steps and by thinking before you throw away something that could be eaten. Food is meant to be eaten not wasted.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Impromptu Speaking Feedback
non Boyd Impromptu speaking is not too bad Just trying to come up with a topic was a little anxiety. The feedback received was good they advised me I was very informative on my topic and my voice first was a little low, but once I got in to my speech it was better. I believe that my hardest part is dealing with certain words to pronounce and topics I do not know anything about when giving a speech.I do feel I need to Improve myself more concerning making speeches. I need to put more time on my preparation before my speeches, but sometimes there is not enough time, depending on the topic. Some speeches take longer than others Just depend on the speech and how long it needs to be. One thing I have learned with words I have trouble with is to draw a line between the letters to split them up when trying to say the word helps me.I have had many experiences when it comes to concerning public speaking In my past that has helped me throughout the years at the beginning I was very shy and was afraid to even talk In front of people. Since then I have done several presentations at schools and other public places like projects working with senior citizens were had to present my project In front of them and relate to the fire apartment, and it was also put In the local newspaper.I have also been a trainer for a few years with the company I work for that has helped me. I still get nervous when I do have to speak In front of people, afraid of forgetting what I am supposed to discuss or not saying certain words correctly. My memory Is not that good sometimes especially short memory because of my dillydally but I try my best. Note cards are easier they are a gulled to help present my speeches. I hope to learn more ways on how to give better speeches In this course and to Improve my confidence.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Deplete Deplete Deplete By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the following use of depleting: The following headline appeared in Jamaicas leading newspaper today: My Savings are depleting. What am I doing wrong? The reader suggests changing â€Å"My savings are depleting†to â€Å"My savings are being depleted.†Like the reader, I thought the headline sounded wrong. â€Å"Savings are being depleted†sounds more idiomatic to my ear than â€Å"savings are depleting,†but I would have changed deplete to a different verb entirely: â€Å"My savings are diminishing†or â€Å"My savings are running out.†Deplete is from the Latin verb deplere. The de- is a negative prefix added to the verb plere, â€Å"to fill.†Deplere is â€Å"to bring down or undo the fullness of, to empty out.†It can also mean, â€Å"to let blood.†The intransitive use of deplete in the sense of â€Å"running out†or â€Å"becoming exhausted†appears frequently in environmental contexts with subject words like supplies and resources: Groundwater supplies are depleting at rapid rates around the world. More water is being taken out than put back in by natural replenishment (recharge), and supplies are depleting as a result. The worlds resources are depleting because of a population that is out of control. Although frequent in officialese, this intransitive use sounds odd to me. More idiomatic is to follow deplete with an object, as in these examples: My husbands lack of employment is depleting our lifes savings. That section [of a law] limits the production and consumption of a set of chemicals known to deplete the stratospheric ozone. Charter schools severely deplete the resources available to the existing public schools. The following examples would be improved by substituting diminishing or running out for depleting: This [dog] is currently in Chicago with a trainer getting evaluated and learning some more manners but that time is depleting and she is needing a home not the shelter to go back to. I found my patience depleting by the minute. My health is failing and my friends are depleting. Perhaps some writers or speakers choose deplete in an attempt to avoid a clichà ©, but sometimes a clichà © is less distracting than the unfamiliar use of a word. For example, time is usually said to â€Å"run out.†Patience â€Å"wears thin.†As one grows old, â€Å"friends pass away.†Sometimes deplete is the wrong choice entirely, as in this comment on a site about dental care: It seems my gums are depleting. Deplete connotes an emptying out of an exhaustible quantity. Gums recede, but they don’t deplete. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Arrive To vs. Arrive At50 Types of Propaganda13 Theatrical Terms in Popular Usage
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Women In Law
Women in Law Even with laws that are made against prejudice, in some place’s women are still considered as house material and not work material. Women who enforce the law are treated as pushovers and it is becoming a larger problem all the time. For women who work as lawyers or judges it is harder because in order for them to become a lawyer they need permission from the court of their state which is made up usually of men. It is wrong to judge women like that. Women have just as much right to do it as the men do. In years past there has been very little support for women in the field of law, more people should stand up for women and more women should learn how to work in law. Women who enforce the law in jobs like the FBI or LAPD are just as efficient as the men are in there duties. Mrs. Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority Association says, â€Å"Women officers are more efficient and less violent at diffusing violent situations†. Mrs. Smeal is right, whenever there is a woman police officer on shows like â€Å"Cops†or â€Å"Americas Most Wanted†she handles the situation very calmly, and is aware of every danger. Life for a cop is already hard, with having to worry if they will live an other day or if they will die in the line of duty, prejudice just makes it worse for the women cops. Hopefully women are not discouraged because of the way some men treat them. Women are good cops, in fact Mrs. Smeal says that â€Å"Women are more likely considered as friendly and service oriented by members of there community†. Women in law enforcement deserve the same privileges as men do. A study of police Brutality in the LAPD by the Christopher Commission found that out of the 120 officers with the greatest number of use of force reports, no women officers were found. And that women officers compromised only about 3.4 % of officers involved in about 83 of the most ... Free Essays on Women In Law Free Essays on Women In Law Women in Law Even with laws that are made against prejudice, in some place’s women are still considered as house material and not work material. Women who enforce the law are treated as pushovers and it is becoming a larger problem all the time. For women who work as lawyers or judges it is harder because in order for them to become a lawyer they need permission from the court of their state which is made up usually of men. It is wrong to judge women like that. Women have just as much right to do it as the men do. In years past there has been very little support for women in the field of law, more people should stand up for women and more women should learn how to work in law. Women who enforce the law in jobs like the FBI or LAPD are just as efficient as the men are in there duties. Mrs. Eleanor Smeal of the Feminist Majority Association says, â€Å"Women officers are more efficient and less violent at diffusing violent situations†. Mrs. Smeal is right, whenever there is a woman police officer on shows like â€Å"Cops†or â€Å"Americas Most Wanted†she handles the situation very calmly, and is aware of every danger. Life for a cop is already hard, with having to worry if they will live an other day or if they will die in the line of duty, prejudice just makes it worse for the women cops. Hopefully women are not discouraged because of the way some men treat them. Women are good cops, in fact Mrs. Smeal says that â€Å"Women are more likely considered as friendly and service oriented by members of there community†. Women in law enforcement deserve the same privileges as men do. A study of police Brutality in the LAPD by the Christopher Commission found that out of the 120 officers with the greatest number of use of force reports, no women officers were found. And that women officers compromised only about 3.4 % of officers involved in about 83 of the most ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Abolitionist Movement after the 1930s
Anti-slavery movement before the 1930s was humble, partly slow, not well supported. Anti-slavery movement before the 1930s was a spark that led to abolitionism in the 1930s. Due to the abolishment of the 1930s, big movements were born in America. White divisions of the country come and the whites who caused various riots when they released their slaves killed each other. Conquered Negros fought for the true status of American society in the hands of various abolitionist leaders who fully supported African Americans. On the other hand, the tension between the northern abolition movement and the slave owner continues to rise. After many years anti - slavery rhetoric was poured in the south (especially through the southern postal system) the abolishment movement eventually gained an important footing in the attack of slavery in 1835. A strong reaction was caused in Charleston, South Carolina. Anti-slavery pamphlets and pamphlets have created it, and the abolitionists are hurting the rep utation of the South and getting sympathy for the movement in the north. These behaviors by the abolitionists will only weaken the relations between the North and the North, eventually leading to tensions that have reached the culprits in the past 30 years. Roy Efenkenbin, a professor of history at the University of Detroit, in a national debate on the gradual escalation of slavery to the civil war, said that the fundamental abolition movement was largely endorsed primarily by the Northern people for the South explained. Slavery fights. . He said that when these previous slaves told their story in lectures and printmaking it was dissatisfied with the concept that the audience and readers would satisfy or treat slaves well. They said to be crowded in front of the audience and to stop them, and the unmodified story was equally effective at mobilizing the audience to slavery. Abolitionism (or abolishment movement) is an exercise to end slavery. This term can be used officially or info rmally. In Western Europe and the Americas, the abolishmentism is a historical move aimed at terminating the slave trade between Africa and India and releasing slaves. As an example of the abolition of slavery in France by Louis XIII of France in 1315, there was Spain's King Charles I called Charles V Emperor. He passed the law which would abolish colonial slavery in 1542, but the law did not go through the largest colonial state and was not enforced. In the late 17th century, the Roman Catholic Church accepted the request of Lourenà §oda Silvade Mendouà §a to formally condemn slave trade strongly approved by Pope Gregory XVI in 1839. However, the abolition campaign began in the late eighteenth century when British and American Quaker began to question the morality of slavery.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Assignment Example The measurement technique used was appropriate for the study, since the study took a sample of 204 students, which is a reasonable sample that is capable of giving valid results. The results of the reliability and/or validity measurements do not produce any caution in the possible replication of the study, but instead indicates a well undertaken study, where the results prove that the application of problem-based strategy is the most suitable for obtaining high learning achievements for primary school students. Case study 2 This case study applied quantitative measurement techniques, by sampling a total of 192 students from the sixth grade, to assess the effect of behavioral interactions and achievements of cooperative learning for group members who were trained to collaborate and facilitate each other's learning and those groups that were not trained, but merely instructed to help each other. The results of the study indicated that the members of the groups that were trained were co nsistently helpful to each other, compared to the groups that were not trained. ... The measurement technique applied was appropriate for the study, since random sampling was applied, which eliminated any chances of bias. Additionally, the samples picked were constituted of a suitable ratio of the high-ability, medium-ability and low-ability students. The results of the reliability and/or validity measurements do not produce any caution in the possible replication of the study. Case study 3 This case study applied quantitative measurement techniques, by sampling a total of 48 students to assess the influence of mastery and performance goals on the nature of children's collaborative participation while playing a problem-solving computer game with a peer. The results of the study indicated that those children who were assigned the mastery goals were involved in a very elaborate problem solving discussion, compared to the children who were assigned performance goals, who were observed to engage in a more help-seeking interaction, with a low level of meta-cognitive cont rol. The results further indicated that the instructions that were goal-focused are better placed to influence the nature and quality of children's paired interactions. Additionally, the study results showed that giving goal mastery instructions served to promote a highly collaborative interaction for the students. The measurement technique applied was appropriate for the study, since the sample of 48 students was further subdivided into two groups, comprising of the dispositional group, and the context-dependent group. Additionally, the children used as samples were organized based on the same gender, year group, and goal orientation, to ensure
Causes and Risk of Alzheimer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Causes and Risk of Alzheimer - Essay Example There is also another hypothesis which suggests that breakdown of age-related myelin causes damage to the brain. One of the risk factors of this disease is the age of an individual. People who are over 65 years are more likely to get the disease than those below this age. The other risk factor is genes. Individuals who have a family history of Alzheimer’s are also among the risk group to get the disease later on in their lives. This is because the disease is genetic (Turkington and Mitchell, 2010). Other than the two risk factors mentioned above, there are also others like the gender of an individual. According to statistics of the disease, women are more at risk of acquiring the disease than men. This is not as a result of age but speculated to be as a result of estrogen. Individuals who have suffered head injuries in the past are also at risk of getting the disease more than those who have no history of head injuries in the
The Existence of Q Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
The Existence of Q - Research Paper Example Its existence is said to be capable of being inferred by analyzing the texts of Matthew and Luke and seeing commonalities which point to a common source. Barclay 1The name comes from the German ‘Quelle’ or source, and it is often referred to as the ‘Q Gospel’, although other names have been given by particular writers. It was first given this title relatively recently by 19th-century German theologian Johannes Weiss (1863-1914) 2. The term is used to refer to material found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, but not in their other common source, Marks gospel, which must have been written before those of Matthew and Luke. Matthew Henry puts Matthew’s Gospel as perhaps as early as eight years after the Ascension, which would make ‘Q’ very early indeed.3 The gospel of John was written very much later, around the end of the first century. Because of their common content, the first three gospels are referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, the na me comes from two Greek words which mean â€Å"to see together†. Gore et al add that this means they could be put together in columns and compared.4 Barclay 5whereas John is a quite separate text. Luke and Matthew used this material in common despite the fact that Matthew was aiming his gospel at members of the Jewish nation and Luke seem to have been aiming at a wider Gentile readership. Weiss was referring to ‘Q’ as oral tradition, an idea agreed with by Marshall, 6 stating that:- Marshall also states that Mark also used this oral tradition, adding to it first-hand graphic accounts he obtained from his close contact with Saint Peter8. He first wrote in 1920, revising his work in 1948. Later B. H.Streeter, a British theologian, put forward the idea that it had actually existed as a written document in Greek, a text which Nineham refers to merely as ‘another source.’ According to Lawrence in private, he actually speculated that it might have been written by Jesus himself. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Creation stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Creation stories - Essay Example He, therefore, separated light from the darkness naming the former day and the latter night. On the second day, God established the firmament through command and it became. He made it separate the waters from the waters and called the firmament Heaven (Giberson, 2012). On the same day, he collected the waters under the heaven into one place thereby creating the dry land and calling it earth, and the gathered waters as the sea. Moreover, God brought into existence the grass, trees, and other plant forms. In the third day, God created the sun, the moon, and stars to bring light on earth in the day and at night respectively. On the fourth day, God created water creatures such as whales, fish, and air creatures such as fowls. On the fifth day, God established every living creature on earth except human beings. These included cattle, creeping creatures, and beasts of the earth among others. Being pleased with his work, he blessed the creatures and made them multiply to fill the earth (Giberson, 2012). God completed his creation work on the sixth day by creating man in his own image. Therefore, God created man both male and female and thereafter blessed them and told them to multiply and feel the earth. Moreover, man was given power to rule and manage all creatures and use some of them as food (Giberson, 2012). On the seventh day, God rested on completing his creation work. Therefore, he blessed and sanctified the day since it was his day of rest from all the activities of creation. In the second part of creation, Genesis 2:4- 24, God who is referred by personal name as Yahweh, creates the first man in his image by using dust, breathes life into him thereafter becoming a living being (Giberson, 2012). God names his Adam and places him in the Garden of Eden to manage it. Thus, it is the man that God performs the life-giving act and not his earlier creations. Moreover, the man gives name to animals and even to Eve, whom he calls a woman since she comes from one
Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O Essay
Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O - Essay Example The purpose of performance management is to create significant performance indicators, so that employees can follow their own performance levels. This method can help them manage their activities, correct their weaknesses and provide a plan for the right processes to maximize their performance. Performance management measurement is about accountability – to the organization and then to one’s self. We can tell that the organization’s performance management system is working well if we notice the following signs: high morale for the members of the team; effective teamwork even across different departments; promotion decisions are well formulated; goals are achieved; people are motivated; appraisals executed effectively; and terminated employees are well informed of their performance. (Horwitz, 2005, p. 5) Performance management philosophies Performance management systems developed by organisations are based on the philosophy which emphasizes employee performance. T his system motivates employees to perform well and work for organizational objectives. Performance management philosophy refers to developing an organized method of evaluation that requires performance expectations, monitors the job of the employees, evaluates their performance, and uses the information from this evaluation for management decisions and also for providing resources. (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 11) A management philosophy may start with the hiring process. The initial step is to focus on an applicant’s goals, capabilities, career focus, and so on. As soon as the applicant passes the tests, he/she becomes a member of a high-performing team. The developed performance management system allows the employees to know the company’s performance requirements and incentives, based on job results, and also to acquire new ways how to effectively perform up to the next performance cycle. According to Kandula (2006, p. 11), performance management is the result of utilita rian instrumentalism, which means it encourages hiring human resource at the lowest cost, retaining employees as long as they are useful, and termination of the contract if it is not anymore effective. Organizational culture plays a critical role in the development of performance management in an organization. Organizations with a supportive or collaborative culture have the chance of developing performance management processes that share information about improving employee performance. A reward system may create a desired performance rather than a punitive system which may result in unsatisfactory performance. (Micklitsch & Ryan-Mitlyng, 1996, p. 18) Performance management includes all possible initiatives managers undertake to have high performance among employees. These initiatives focus on giving performance appraisal, rewards and recognition to motivate high performance (Heslin, Carson, & VandeWalle, p. 89). Performance appraisal is almost similar to the principle of performan ce management. Many organizations of today are still applying the traditional method of performance management, i.e. ‘the maintenance-oriented, regulatory and administrative human resource management’ (Kandula, 2006, p. 11). This is a barrier to the application of performance management practices. There is a resistance on the part of the employees, and it can slow down the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Existence of Q Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
The Existence of Q - Research Paper Example Its existence is said to be capable of being inferred by analyzing the texts of Matthew and Luke and seeing commonalities which point to a common source. Barclay 1The name comes from the German ‘Quelle’ or source, and it is often referred to as the ‘Q Gospel’, although other names have been given by particular writers. It was first given this title relatively recently by 19th-century German theologian Johannes Weiss (1863-1914) 2. The term is used to refer to material found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, but not in their other common source, Marks gospel, which must have been written before those of Matthew and Luke. Matthew Henry puts Matthew’s Gospel as perhaps as early as eight years after the Ascension, which would make ‘Q’ very early indeed.3 The gospel of John was written very much later, around the end of the first century. Because of their common content, the first three gospels are referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, the na me comes from two Greek words which mean â€Å"to see together†. Gore et al add that this means they could be put together in columns and compared.4 Barclay 5whereas John is a quite separate text. Luke and Matthew used this material in common despite the fact that Matthew was aiming his gospel at members of the Jewish nation and Luke seem to have been aiming at a wider Gentile readership. Weiss was referring to ‘Q’ as oral tradition, an idea agreed with by Marshall, 6 stating that:- Marshall also states that Mark also used this oral tradition, adding to it first-hand graphic accounts he obtained from his close contact with Saint Peter8. He first wrote in 1920, revising his work in 1948. Later B. H.Streeter, a British theologian, put forward the idea that it had actually existed as a written document in Greek, a text which Nineham refers to merely as ‘another source.’ According to Lawrence in private, he actually speculated that it might have been written by Jesus himself. Â
Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O Essay
Performance Management and HR Budgeting for H2O - Essay Example The purpose of performance management is to create significant performance indicators, so that employees can follow their own performance levels. This method can help them manage their activities, correct their weaknesses and provide a plan for the right processes to maximize their performance. Performance management measurement is about accountability – to the organization and then to one’s self. We can tell that the organization’s performance management system is working well if we notice the following signs: high morale for the members of the team; effective teamwork even across different departments; promotion decisions are well formulated; goals are achieved; people are motivated; appraisals executed effectively; and terminated employees are well informed of their performance. (Horwitz, 2005, p. 5) Performance management philosophies Performance management systems developed by organisations are based on the philosophy which emphasizes employee performance. T his system motivates employees to perform well and work for organizational objectives. Performance management philosophy refers to developing an organized method of evaluation that requires performance expectations, monitors the job of the employees, evaluates their performance, and uses the information from this evaluation for management decisions and also for providing resources. (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 11) A management philosophy may start with the hiring process. The initial step is to focus on an applicant’s goals, capabilities, career focus, and so on. As soon as the applicant passes the tests, he/she becomes a member of a high-performing team. The developed performance management system allows the employees to know the company’s performance requirements and incentives, based on job results, and also to acquire new ways how to effectively perform up to the next performance cycle. According to Kandula (2006, p. 11), performance management is the result of utilita rian instrumentalism, which means it encourages hiring human resource at the lowest cost, retaining employees as long as they are useful, and termination of the contract if it is not anymore effective. Organizational culture plays a critical role in the development of performance management in an organization. Organizations with a supportive or collaborative culture have the chance of developing performance management processes that share information about improving employee performance. A reward system may create a desired performance rather than a punitive system which may result in unsatisfactory performance. (Micklitsch & Ryan-Mitlyng, 1996, p. 18) Performance management includes all possible initiatives managers undertake to have high performance among employees. These initiatives focus on giving performance appraisal, rewards and recognition to motivate high performance (Heslin, Carson, & VandeWalle, p. 89). Performance appraisal is almost similar to the principle of performan ce management. Many organizations of today are still applying the traditional method of performance management, i.e. ‘the maintenance-oriented, regulatory and administrative human resource management’ (Kandula, 2006, p. 11). This is a barrier to the application of performance management practices. There is a resistance on the part of the employees, and it can slow down the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Essay Example for Free
Organisational Behaviour Essay Question One. From the case study, we can learn a lot. It ranges from leadership, management, work ethics, behaviour shaping and changing to the impact of positive and negative reinforcements in organisations. Managing of creative workers, recognition of opportunities and problems, unethical strategies and tactics, team building and networking among others are aspects that can be learned from the case study (Robinsen 2000). We can also learn from the study that Godot applied an autocratic or authoritative style of leadership. He could not listen to any of his workers, he could not open any avenue of communication and consultation with his workers and could not involve the workers in decision making. All he could do was to haul insults at them instead of actively involving them in the day to day running of the restaurant. It is important to treat workers in a good way if any positive results are to be realised (Simons 2003). The first genesis to doing so is to implement ways and methods that would boost the morale of workers. Good leadership and management skills are essential to any organisation. Good work ethics and behaviour should be instilled to the workers so that they can deliver good results with very minimal supervision (Haddock 2001). Abuses and insults are not supposed to be used at the work place as they even tend to scare away sensitive customers and other business people. Leaders and managers should learn new ways and methods of improving workers’ efficiency and results. Organisations that deploy such ways and methods, have proved to stand ahead of others (Wharton 1996). Question Two. There are several negative and positive reinforcements, punishment and extinctions that were used by Godot and the customers in shaping of the employees’ behaviour. Positive reinforcements included the dedication and industriousness of Godot. This is positive in that it helps the workers as they are able to emulate what Godot stands for. Through dedication and hard work, the restaurant was able to stand the test of time. This was an inspiration to the workers. Another positive reinforcement was that of the customers. The customers would appreciate the work done by Diane and compliment her efficient services. This would give her morale to work even harder and efficiently knowing that her services were good. There are also negative reinforcements. They can be seen mainly from Godot’s attitude and way of doing certain things. He was a man prone to emotional outbursts. He could yell and shout at his workers whenever something went wrong or whenever he could not see what he expected of them. This is negative in that it instilled a sense of fear to the workers and always made them nervous (Bringsrud 2004). This makes someone not to perform to the expected standards, His lack of compliment to his workers is also a negative reinforcement (Myers 1997). He did not appreciate anything good but was so quick at condemning and demonising anything he felt was not right. A good employer needs to give credit where it belongs. This is a way of encouraging and giving morale to the workers (Simons 2003). Godot could not see anything good in it. All he could do was merely grunt at Diane even when she said hello or goodbye. Such attributes do not befit a good employer. Punishment was in the form of fining his workers whenever something went wrong. When Diane dropped a plate of bouillabaisse appetiser, she was scorned at and fined a total of $24. 95. This punishment demoralised her to the extend of affecting her performance. Her earnings from tips dropped from a one time top of 23 percent to a meager 15 percent. This was as a result of reducing the pace at which she worked in order to prevent any other incidences from happening. From this, one can easily tell that the punishment imposed on her was too much and she could not risk losing the amount any more. Such a negative reinforcement does not add any value to the business but instead it demoralizes the workers thus reducing the pace of working (Wharton 1996:8). As a result, the customers end up waiting for long and some might give up and leave. This turns out to affect the restaurant adversely. Godot as an employer has various ways of improving or shaping the behaviour of his employees. One of the ways is by introducing packages that are employee friendly and putting in place certain measures that would improve the performance of his employees instead of using ruthless methods such as imposing of huge fines and punishment to the workers. Such methods could include appreciating what the workers do and also ones in a while complimenting the efforts made. Diane would have been appreciated in various ways and by so doing, her morale would have been boosted thus making her work extra hard and as a result winning more customers. Employers need to realise that social responsibility and leadership in organisations and businesses for that matter are very vital aspects (Haddock 2001:475). Workers depend on employers and employers depend on workers too. This is a mutual relationship which should be upheld in all cases. This should be realised by both the parties in order for the business to perform to the expectations. Question Three. The reinforcements and punishment mentioned in question two have both positive and negative impact on Diane’ behaviour. Inasmuch as the punishment imposed on Diane would seem to be on the extreme, it could be viewed as positive in some ways. Being careful at the job place is extremely important. When Diane dropped the plate of appetiser, she was fined heavily by Godot. This made her promise to be more careful than ever before so that she could not get herself in the same mistake again. This instills a sense of discipline and responsibility to the workers (McTagart 2003). The strict nature of Godot, his dedication and industriousness was a lesson for Diane. Her behaviour would be influenced by such reinforcements. She would learn to be dedicated and more independent in future. Her pace of doing things would also improve as she was used to doing tasks at a very fast rate. This obviously is a positive change to her behaviour. On the other hand, Godot’s lack of compliment and appreciation would affect her behaviour too. This will make her feel left out, unwanted and also feel like her services are not worth. If Godot had behaved differently in this case, Diane would have learned from the same and applied it elsewhere. In any organisation, behavioural shaping and change is very important. Every employee should feel like part of the team in order for there to be teamwork and tangible results (Moir 1999). The lack of appreciation and compliment changed Diane’s way and pace of doing the job. It made her slow down thus affecting the job she was doing. The emphasis of Godot on the importance of working as a team is seen as a positive gesture of behavioural shaping. If an employee was hired and he/she did not appreciate the importance of working as a team, he/she would learn from Godot’s vision and his way of doing things, thus shaping ones behaviour (Stuart 2003). Question Four. The effectiveness of hourly pay rates and tips as a way of reinforcing desired behaviours could go either way, that is, it could either be positive or negative depending on the outcome and the intention of the method. Hourly pay rates in most cases is the method that most employees prefer (Hufman 2002:49). This is because one gets paid depending on their efforts. If one inputs more effort in the job he/she is paid more than that who inputs less. The principle ideally is ‘more effort more pay, less effort less pay’. This is not just an advantage to the employees only but also to the employers (Godwin 2001). If an employee does more, the employer also gets more in returns. Hourly pay has proved to be the best way of dealing with both the employers and the employees. One could work for a certain period of time and get doing something else including attending lectures and lessons. This method does not tie someone to one thing. One becomes flexible enough to the extend of even doing more than one job. Tips are also a good way of reinforcing desired results and behaviours (Borer et al 2000). Tips make a worker work extremely fast and with dedication. How much one takes home at the end of the day, week or month depends on the person’s zeal of work. Just like hourly pay, tips benefit both the employee and the employer. For instance, if an employee makes 20 percent of the total amount of money, it definitely goes without saying that the employer must have bagged the 80 percent. It is therefore important that the mode and way of payment as per the contract is obeyed by the two parties involved. Reinforcing of behaviour could be done in different ways, hourly pay rates and tips being one of the ways. Such a method makes the employee work under certain rules and conditions as deemed fit by the employer. Work for three hours, do not break anything, get your pay and tips and leave. This is normally the motto of such methods. Some employees are too careless and lazy to the extend that they do not care about what happens in the event that loses are incurred. The only way to check them and put them on toes in by introducing the hourly pay rates and tips. This is meant to give the employer the opportunity of maximising his/her time at the job place. In the extract, Godot decides to introduce such a method in order to cushion himself against the lazy workers who might think that they can just get to the hotel, work anyhow and get away with it. This is not Godot’s way of working. He believes in workers earning what they worked for. If you work hard you get more. If you just lazy around, you are bound to get very little. Diane had to work hard so that she could save something substantial for her use ones she went back to school. To her, a table waiting job was what she could do instead of just staying at home during summer. She thought that she could make some money and improve on her University life, actually change her diet. Her hard work would fetch her upto 23 percent on tips and $15. 0 per hour. She had set targets that she wanted to meet. Her ability to work fast and efficiently earned her the percentage she had targeted on tips. This plus her hourly pay was enough to take care of her University needs after summer. This method of tips encouraged her to work hard. Had it been a flat rate pay on tips, Diane would not have worked as hard as she did. This meant that Godot also made a lot of money in the process. Fur thermore, Godot spelt out clearly what he wanted for his restaurant. He had a vision for his restaurant and insisted on the importance of working as a team in order to deliver good services to his customers. It is on the basis of this too that Diane decided that she would put in her best to prove how good she could be. Conclusion. From the case study, it is very clear that something has to be done in most organisations regarding work ethics and behaviour. Employers subject their workers to unfavourable working conditions and all they care about is there well being and not that of the workers (Huberman 1994). Workers in such organisations end up persevering such conditions with the aim of just making ends meet in their lives. This could be clearly seen from Diane’s case. She had to persevere for the purposes of making money but did not enjoy working under such conditions. Workers should enjoy doing their work and this can only be made conducive by the input of the employers (Benstin 1995). Organisational behaviour is a topic of discussion that leaves many employers and employees looking for ways and methods of dealing with the issue.
Monday, October 14, 2019
About the Vacation
About the Vacation Why Beach Vacations Are Better Than Mountain Vacations Many people are always mesmerized by any upcoming vacations. Due to this, they make early plans on how to use their vacation time by choosing some of the areas where they can visit. There are always many places where many people can choose for their vacation period but most of them end up choosing the two most common places namely; the mountain and the beaches. Many people assert there is more fun in the beaches and mountains than when they visit other areas such as game parks, reserves and circuses. The two places are however very much different because they offer a variety of fun activities which are totally diverse .This essay is going to focus on the various factors which make people prefer to spend their vacations in the beaches rather than on the mountains and vice versa. Some of the factors to be considered will include the geographical location, climatic conditions and the fun activities of both the beach and the mountains. Based on climatic conditions, we are all aware that mountains are colder because of the higher altitude just as the adage goes that the higher you go the cooler it becomes. On the mountains you will find that the weather conditions change dramatically time after time (hourly). For example there can be a perfect clear sky at 12pm but after a few minutes a huge thunderstorm can come rolling. A few hours later may be at 3pm the temperatures can rise to extremely hot temperatures and then just after a few hours the temperature can drop to below the freezing point. Due to this sudden temperature changes, one has to have some layers of cover over the body so that they may not fall sick after the vacation. I think the changes in temperatures plays a very significant role in making people prefer their vacation in beaches than on the mountains. For example you will find that beaches are warm because the temperature are high or at the sea level compared to the low temperatures experienced on the mountains. Many beaches experience warm breezes from the sea compared to when in the mountains. Majority will choose beaches for their vacations because they only carry swimming costumes, a few clothes and eatables but while going to the mountains one has to be well prepared (a packed lunch,  tinned water, heavy jackets because as the temperature changes one will require either the warm clothes or the temperature might rise thus make one very thirsty. Another factor is the geographical location of the beaches or mountains. Naturally, most of the mountains are found in the hilly or high altitude areas. As a result, it becomes difficult for many people to access them especially at the top because it requires a lot of courage, energy, food, and water areas for one to get at the mountain peak. This limits the number of tourists visiting these areas compared to the number of visitors in other places such as national parks, game reserves and beaches. Most of the mountains are also found in the forests or they can even be covered by a thick forest. It is natural for the wild animals to encroach areas which are covered by huge forest cover. This means that there might be conflict between people and the wild animals when people decide to have their vacation on the mountains. Again, some countries have very thick forest cover which sometimes catch fire on its own (forest fires). These fires also stretch to the mountains where these vacation s take place. We are all aware of the fact that many of the evil doers in the society especially armed gangs stay in the forest and even in the mountains. This means that it is risky for people to go to the mountains without the backing of the security. On the other hand many beaches are located at the lower altitudes or in almost flat grounds. This happens to be one of the reasons as to why many people will prefer to spend their vacations in the beaches rather than on the mountains. This is propelled by the fact that to access the mountain tops one will require a lot of energy due to the upward mobility but to access the beaches its easy and less energy will be used. Most of the beaches are not covered by forests and they are also located in very open places. This means that there is no habitation of the wild animals such as guerillas which are a threat to the security of the humans. This prompts many people to prefer beaches for the vacation to the mountains. Beaches are also very secure than forest because there is the beach patrol police to maintain security therefore making it difficult for the armed gangs to hide there unlike in the mountains where the security of the humans is threatened by the armed gangs. The beaches are al so secure because they are located in far from forest and therefore they cannot be affected by the forest fire which always threatens the lives of the visitors who go to have fun on the mountains. The other factor which is to be considered is the types of activities which take place both on the mountain and the beaches. It is very clear that these two places offer different kinds of fun activities due to the different climatic changes which are experienced. For example you will find that in the mountain the climatic conditions are characterized by changes in either cool or hot temperature which are either accompanied by snow or rains respectively. Some of the vacation activities which take place in the mountains include snowboarding, mountain biking, mountain climbing, hiking, and skiing. More often you will find that children cannot engage in some of these mountain activities simply because of the heights of the mountains or because of the lack of experience and also due to fear of wild animals such as bears. Statistics have shown that these mountain activities mainly involve people who are aged between 15-45 years thus eliminating many older and young people. On the other hand, the sea and the warm climates determine the activities which take place in the beach. Many activities that take place in the sea tend to favor all people young and old inclusive because they are simple. Again, it entails what people do at home. This is unlike the mountain activities where one has to go to the mountains in order to practice and even learn them. Some of the activities in the beaches include swimming, volley ball games, soccer games and even the riding of the water bikes. Many people will prefer to have a vacation on the beaches because they will (young and the adults) have some enjoyable activities which they are familiar with unlike on the mountains were activities are technical and require a lot of experience. Again beaches have discos and restaurants were people can enjoy their fun until morning without worrying about the colds and insecurities either from wild animals or intruders. This is unlike the mountain activities where by there are no ente rtainment areas and if they exists they located a bit far from the mountains. Again many beaches tend have many visitors all the time but the number of visitors is not as high on the mountains thus making everything very boring and dull. Beach vacations are always better that the mountain vacations because many people hate cold areas and the beaches are always warm. Beaches are also easily accessible compared to the mountains thus making them more marketable. Beaches also tend to have a wide variety of activities for both the young and the old thus making it easy for families to come in their wholes. Beaches are also very secure due to the presence of the beach patrol police thus making it easier for many people to choose the beaches because they are not afraid of any insecurity issues.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Joyride :: Creative Writing Essays
The Joyride  Rain clouds began to tear themselves away from the jagged peaks of the Koolau range and rays broke through the clouds and beat down on the muddy water of Pearl Bay. Bobby glanced toward them, but his mind was elsewhere. He paced back and forth along the isolated stretch of the narrow beach. Now and then he would kick at loose pebbles along the muddy grey shoreline. For the moment, Bobby was still in his private world, consisting of little more than a strip of mud flat along one small section of the bay. But his world was about to be invaded. Chris, his best friend since kindergarten, would be showing up any minute. And Bobby knew that before this afternoon ended, their two lives, so entwined these many years, would forever be changed.  Bobby clutched a smooth black stone in his fingers. He leaned into the light breeze, preparing to skip it across the harbour waters, but stopped abruptly, remembering that the gods did not like land removed from the island. As the stone slipped from his fingers, his eyes followed the ripples that glided on and off the grey beach where he stood, then rose almost by habit to gaze once more at the Arizona Memorial stretching white and graceful, remembering painfully that this would be the last time that he would ever walk along this beautiful beach.  As his eyes watched the waves, and how they caressed the muddy shoreline, he began to think of the future. His thoughts were quickly disrupted.   â€Å"Hey bud, how's it going? What was so important that you had to talk to me about?†Chris asked.  â€Å"It's to hard. I can't go on with it.† â€Å"What? What can't you go on with?†Chris demanded urgently.  â€Å"It's just, that, that, this will be our last weekend together†.  â€Å"Wait a minute. Slow down, your not making any sense. None at all. What do you mean that this will be our last weekend together? We have the whole entire summer planned out. Fishing next weekend, canoeing to Ford Island next month, our bike.....† â€Å"NO STOP!!! You don't understand. My dad got transferred. We're moving.† â€Å"But why now. School doesn't start for another two months, and colleges start even later than that!†Chris replied.  â€Å"I know, it sucks. I can't do anything about it. I've tried everything. I've even asked my parents if it would be okay to move in with my grandparents for the rest of the summer. But it's no use. They say I have to get used to the town, meet new friends,and get a job.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Radhakrishnans Thought and Existentialism :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Radhakrishnan's Thought and Existentialism ABSTRACT: I attempt to show the similarities between the viewpoints of Radhakrishnan and the existentialist thinkers. The philosophy of Radhakrishnan is an attempt to reinterpret and reconstruct the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara in the light of scientific knowledge and techniques of modern time. Existentialism is an attitude and outlook that emphasizes human existence. For Radhakrishnan, the human is essentially subject, not object. The existentialists assert that the human is not an object to be known, but a subject. Both Radhakrishnan and the existentialists emphasize the immense potential and present day condition of humanity. Radhakrishnan acknowledges the reality of suffering and misery of worldly existence. The existentialists maintain that there are antinomies, contradictions and distress at the root of existence. Radhakrishnan is concerned with liberation as a state of freedom. Freedom is the central concept around which the existential enquiry revolves. Though Radhakrishnan has certain affinities with existentialism, he regards it as a stage in the human's pilgrimage through life. The philosophy of Radhakrishnan is an attempt to reinterpret and reconstruct the Advaita Vedanta of Sankara in the light of scientific knowledge and technique of modern time. The philosophy of Advaita follows the basic tenets of the Upanishadic philosophy. Radhakrishnan does not propound any system of philosophy. He is bound to tradition like his contemporaries. But, his philosophy is distinct from others by some of its peculiar features. It is based on his own experiences and reflections. Existentialism is an attitude and outlook that emphasizes human existence. 'Existence precedes essence'-this is the maxim of existentialism. Existentialism deals with the problems the individual has to face in life, with the ways how he faces them, with his feelings and emotions and above all, with his outlook on life and experience. It recognises freedom and responsibility of the individual man. Soren Kirkegaard is regarded as the father of 'Existentialism'. He starts discussion on it. It is further developed in the hands of subsequent thinkers like Karl Jaspers, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger and Jean Paul Sartre. It must be admitted that there are divergent interests and points of view within existentialism. There are certain affinities between the viewpoints of Rahdakrishnan and the existentialist thinkers. Indian thought, in general; investigates into the self. Radhakrishnan also maintains that "In India, 'Atmanam Viddhi,' know the self, sums up the law and the prophets." (1) We do hear in this 'Atmanam Viddhi' the voice of existentialism. The two great propositions of the Upanishads are ' Tattvamasi' (Thou art that) and 'Aham Brahmasmi' (I am Brahman).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Exercise 31 Hlt 362v
Name:_ Class: _GCU_HLT-362 V________________ Date: ___ ? EXERCISE 31 Questions to be Graded 1. What are the two groups whose results are reflected by the t ratios in Tables 2 and 3? Table 2 reflects the Health Promotion Program’s effects on cardiovascular risk factors and Table 3 is reflective of the program’s effects on health behavior. 2. Which t ratio in Table 2 represents the greatest relative or standardized difference between the pretest and 3 months outcomes? Is this t ratio statistically significant? Provide a rationale for your answer. 3.Which t ratio listed in Table 3 represents the smallest relative difference between the pretest and 3 months? Is this t ratio statistically significant? What does this result mean? The T-ratio is 0. 80. This value is not statistically significant since it is less than the tabulated value of 1. 96. This is indicative of the program having no effect on health behaviors. 4. What are the assumptions for conducting a t-test for depe ndent groups in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by this study? Several assumptions for t-test for dependent/matched groups in a study are applied.First, it is assumed that the difference between the two groups of the dependent t-test is approximately or normally distributed. Second, the dependent variable is interval or ratio (continuous in nature). Third, any independent variable consists of one group or two â€Å"matched pair†groups. Finally, all subjects are assumed to have been surveyed the same and data collection was unbiased. The assumption that was met in this study is the normal distribution. 5. Compare the 3 months and 6 months t ratios for the variable Exercise from Table 3.What is your conclusion about the long-term effect of the health-promotion intervention on Exercise in this study? After comparing the t-ratios for the Exercise variable, I conclude that there is an effect on long term exercise and health behaviors. 6. What is the smal lest, significant t ratio listed in Table 2? Provide a rationale for your answer. The smallest t-ratio in Table 2 is 2. 04. It is statistically significant because it is > 1. 96. 7. Why are the larger t ratios more likely to be statistically significant? The larger t-ratios are statistically significant because they tend to be larger than the table value f 1. 96. 8. Did the health-promotion program have a statistically significant effect on Systolic blood pressure (BP) in this study? Provide a rationale for your answer. No. The program did not have a statistically significant effect on systolic BP. The t-test values are lower than 1. 96 on the t-distribution. 9. Examine the means and standard deviations for Systolic BP at pretest, 3 months (completion of the treatment), and 6 months. What do these results indicate? Are these results clinically important? Provide a rationale for your answer.The results for standard deviations for Systolic BP at pretest, 3 months (completion of the tr eatment), and 6 months indicate that they the programs did not affects it. This is clinically important because it supports that the data is normally distributed and there is not a high likelihood that data was widely dispersed. 10. Is this study design strong or weak? Provide a rationale for your answer. The study design is strong. This is because it has been carried out using the right procedures for research. The presented results show a stronger impact in the intervention.Also, the sample could easily be representative of the population in question. Bonus Question: Would you, as a health care provider, implement this intervention at your facility based on the Total Risk Score results? Provide a rationale for your answer. Yes, I would implement the intervention at my facility because it was clear, concise and showed that the program had long lasting positive effects while utilized. The fact that some of the data started decreasing (showing that intervention was helpful) at the 6 month follow up reinforces the good outcomes with such a program in place.
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