Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing,...
It’s Time for a More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation The debate about using animals for medical testing has been raging for years. The struggle always seems to be between extremist animal rights activists who believe that animals should never be used for research, and scientists who believe that any use of animals is acceptable. There are a growing number who argue that there must be a reasonable middle ground. I contend that there must be a significant decrease in the number of animals used by humans to further human goals. I will give a historical account of animal use, provide some statistics about animal use, present some arguments against the use of animals and present Singers view†¦show more content†¦These animals include in decreasing order of frequency: mice, rats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals such as pigs and sheep, dogs, primates and cats. The most common of these, rats and mice, are not protected under the AWA and no accurate figures are kept on the exact number of these animals t hat are used regardless of the fact that they make up 85-90% of all animals used (hsus). The most common arguments against animal use question the morality, necessity, and scientific validity of these studies, that is, whether we have the right to perform such tests, whether we need such tests, and whether these tests provide us with any useful information. The moral aspects of the animal use debate involve the view of animals as sentient beings. It is argued that we have a responsibility toward animals and a moral obligation to not cause them pain or distress (jhsph). Singer argues that ...experimenters often seek to justify experimenting on animals by claiming that the experiments lead us to discoveries about humans; if this is so, the experimenter must agree that human and non-human animals are similar in crucial respects (p. 65). He challenges his opponents to the hypothetical question would [they] be prepared to perform their experimentsShow MoreRelatedIts Time for a More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1387 Words  | 6 PagesThe debate about using animals for medical testing has been ongoing for years. The struggle is usually between extreme animal rights activists and scientists. The animal rights activists believe animals should never be used for research, and the scientists believe any use of animals is acceptable. Listed below are factual historical accounts of animal use, statistics, and arguments against the use of animals. In ancient Greece animals were used for the study of life science. To learn aboutRead MoreEssay about Stop Animal Testing1631 Words  | 7 PagesThe Truth About Animal Experimentation Millions of animals are used in scientific and medical research, including mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs and other animals. They are locked inside cold barren cages in laboratories across the country. Unfortunately all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedures that will be performed on them. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and dies in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmeticRead MoreAnimal Testing is Vital to Medical Advances Essay2459 Words  | 10 PagesResearch is responsible for virtually all the medical breakthroughs there have been- there are medicines and vaccines and cures and treatments and more life saving benefits being developed today- but an important factor to the development of medical advances is the inclusion of animals in research. Virtually almost everyone alive has benefited from the medical advances made feasible through animal testing. According to my aunt Blanca, who is a mother of a child who was diagnosed with severe epilepsyRead MoreThe Fight For Preserve Animal Independence3151 Words  | 13 PagesThe Fight to Preserve Animal Independence â€Å"Kindness and compassion towards all living things is a mark of a civilized society. Conversely, cruelty, whether it is directed against human beings or against animals, is not the exclusive province of any one culture or community of people†(Cà ©sar Chà ¡vez). Over the years, scientists have struggled to establish a technological way to ensure that their experiments are both safe and accurate. However, economic and political afflictions occurred during theRead MoreThe Importance Of Animals For Animal Testing1754 Words  | 8 PagesAnimal research, also known as in vivo testing, is the use of animals for experiments. Experimentation on animals dates back to as early as 500 BC, making this form of medical education and research one of the most fundamental known to humans. Almost 400 years ago, a doctor named William Harvey used animals to discover how blood circulated in the body. This discovery is considered the spark of the scientific revolution in which many live s were saved all thanks to the help of animal testing. The modernRead MoreShould Animals Be Used in Lab?3435 Words  | 14 PagesShould Animals be used in Laboratory Research? Every year millions of animals are used as human food, in human sports for fun, to make clothing and to make test cosmetics, drugs, new-found treatments, and chemicals on humans. Among all these, the most contentious issue in the twenty-first century is the usage of animals in laboratories. Science is the most powerful field from which all new knowledge comes, and being the prime source of new technologies, more judgment, and science, the UnitedRead MoreEthics And Research. In 1932 The American Government Conducted1362 Words  | 6 PagesEthics and Research In 1932 the American Government conducted a study named the Tuskegee Syphilis study, this project was administered by the US Health in Macon County, Alabama. The Government promises 600 plus African American citizens access to free medication and access to proper health care. This study subjects was all tested positive for Syphilis when they enrolled for the study. However, these subjects were denied medicine and were experimented on to help the Government to better understandRead MoreEssay The Ethics of Medical Animal Testing1941 Words  | 8 Pageshuman race comes before any other consideration. This is the justification for the use of nonhuman animal testing in medicine. Of course this argument brings issues into play that are both ethical and professional and need exploring before a definitive answer can be given. The Rights of â€Å"Lesser Life Forms†Animals have rights. This is a statement that very few people will disagree with. Animal cruelty as an end unto itself (i.e. for entertainment) is just wrong. Short of being a sociopath IRead MoreThe Perils Of Obedience By Stanley Milgram1506 Words  | 7 Pagescontemporary clinicians turn out to be all the more intensely mindful of moral issues in their exploration, bringing about changes in morals codes and exploratory methods. Milgram led his examination in the lab setting in view of the situation of how to make the subject direct stronger stuns. Therefore, as stated by Benjamin and Simpson, Milgram was exceptionally energized when he thought that the experimenter would need to let him know (the subject) to give even more elevated stuns. This setting enabled MilgramRead More Experiments on Animals Should Not be Banned Essay2687 Words  | 11 PagesExperiments on Animals Should Not be Banned (word count includes paper outline) Technology and animal testing have provided the human population with many advancements in the past century. Every opportunity to embrace these advancements should be used for the betterment of the human population. It is often an argument based on personal opinion, but once the facts are analyzed, the affirmatives of animal testing outweigh the rationale for banning animal testing. The study of
Monday, December 23, 2019
Interaction Analysis Challenges And Solutions Essay
Interaction Analysis: Challenges and Solutions Amin Davoodi Interaction analysis refers to an interdisciplinary method for experimentation of the interaction of people with each other and with their surrounding environment. It investigates our activities, verbal and nonverbal interaction, and the use of technologies, recognizing our regular practices and problems and the sources for their solution. It is deeply rooted in the fields like ethnography, sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, kinesics, and proxemics. Interaction analysis as a definite method has been differentiated from other kinds of data analyses. Although it is not taught by itself in any university curriculum, there is an increasing number of practitioners doing interaction-analytic work who help methods, approaches, and findings to the practices of the community of practitioners of interaction analysis. All methods have their own theoretical assumptions. They develop both concrete working practices and theoretical assumptions. Although practitioners of interaction analysis come from various disciplines and use, the results of their analyses for different aims share more or less obvious perception of the world that is shown and supported by the work of doing this kind of analysis. Moreover, they hold a common set of opinions about how to access that world. There is not still an obvious constitution of these framing assumptions and there is likely to be lack of agreement about whichShow MoreRelatedChallenges of International Relations966 Words  | 4 Pagesworld politics and that will most certainly lead to a future distribution of world power. This shift is also likely to decrease the barriers of long-standing state borders. All over the world there are many political systems. The pattern of interaction between international political actors has changed in the past and will change in the future. The difficult part is deciphering the temporary from the permanent transitions. An example of this would be the Cold War versus the September 11th attacksRead MoreGlobal Issue : New Information Technology Initiatives1625 Words  | 7 Pagesinitiative. It discusses the advantages of implementing these initiatives, identifies the challenges, and suggests vendors who could help implement these initiatives in the company. The 3 initiatives are customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) analytics, and agile development methodology. CRM helps in understanding everything about the customers, including their business challenges, current use of products (both ours and competitors), and future plans; BI helps to increaseRead MoreAn Advanced Framework For Requirements1654 Words  | 7 Pagesel icitation is a critical and essential activity in the requirement engineering processes. It is a finite set of activities that complied in determination process of the system requirements. This includes identification of the system’s stakeholders, analysis of the current problem definition in application domain, an operating environment of the system and of all customers’ business and organizational environment. One of the major aspects in the failure of software projects is an improper system requirementRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Bts Debatescape1443 Words  | 6 PagesSWOT Analysis of BT’s Debatescape BT is one of the leading providers of communications solutions and services, operating in more than 170 countries. Customer relationship management (CRM) is the main activity for BT that interacts with both residential customers and commercial customers which constitutes BT Retail. 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(Mullaney, 2012, p 27). HCD concentrates on the needs of a human subject in a design space, its processes aim to discover solutions that can be innovative in nature. Using a â€Å"quick ethnographic†technique consisting of field notes and photography the research was conducted in two phases. The first approach was to analyse the clinics daily activities its processes and the secondRead MoreThe Panther Flying Club Essay1671 Words  | 7 Pagesfor customer interaction and managing service-related information. This technology will aid the improvement all of our customer interaction and customer’s needs as well as collect information from our customers. This information will be utilized in providing information for management to direction operations to aid future marketing, sales, customer service, and customer retention requirements. 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Also,it is presents the solution of Big data with some tool that used in the solution which is hadoop. The application of modern technologies in Big Data management such as internet, social media, and cloud computing are discussed. â€Æ' ContentsRead MoreCase Study : Delta Information Solutions795 Words  | 4 PagesInformation Solutions [1], a global business and technology services firm, struggling to meet the deadlines for delivering software solutions to one of its major client. The profit margins for Delta are falling down with existing Client’s dissatisfaction on delivery failures and setback of new clients. Delta Information Solutions was formed by the combination of Delta s legacy services consulting and outsourcing business and the integration of acquired METASYTEMS [1]. Delta Information Solutions provide
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Poverty in New York City Free Essays
Josh Williams Religion 10 3/16/13 Mr. Martinez Cause Of Poverty In The United States Poverty is an increasing problem in the United States. The cause of poverty in the United States is a plethora of things, Such as the economy getting worse so jobs and factories had to make budget cuts so many people lost their job because Of the worsening economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty in New York City or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not the only reason though there is also people who have serious drug and alcohol addictions and use all their money on their addictions and then become poor, there is still the gamblers that loose all their money and there’s the people that never got a good education so never got a good job and was never able to support themselves or families. Poverty is very tragic but sometimes its not only Because someone got laid off their job and there’s nothing they could do about it, but also it can be the persons fault for addictions, gambling and never taking school seriously and regretting it when their older and don’t have a job to support yourself or family. During the Holocaust there were many events that occurred which violated just about every principle of Catholic Social Teaching’s. There are three that stand out the most; these principles are life and dignity of the human person, option for the poor and vulnerable, and also care for Gods creation. These principles were violated in many ways and various occasions during the holocaust. The holocaust violates life and dignity of the human person in many ways one is that it god decides when ones life shall end and how their life shall go but the holocaust killed many innocent people for no reason and that is not what god planned for these people. â€Å"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. †– Anne Frank. This quote by Anne Frank shows even though Jews were put through so much suffering and were denied their dignity they will still be powerful and great people. â€Å"What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms? †– John Boyne. This quote is saying that killing humans is not fair because what if the killer was being killed and god decided who is who so a person should not be able to decide if he or she should live or not that is gods decision. Option for the poor and vulnerable is that people should not be prosecuted or treated differently for any reason but in the holocausts case it was the vulnerable being attacked and treated differently because Hitler and his Nazi army out numbered the Jews. â€Å"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. †– Elie Wiesel. This quote is showing that the Jews were vulnerable to the Nazi attacks and that no human should have to go through that pain and suffering no matter what condition of living. â€Å"We are alive. We are human, with good and bad in us. That’s all we know for sure. We can’t create a new species or a new world. That’s been done. Now we have to live within those boundaries. What are our choices? We can despair and curse, and change nothing. We can choose evil like our enemies have done and create a world based on hate. Or we can try to make things better. †– Carol Matas. This quote shows that humans no matter how poor, rich, small, tall, or whatever ethnicity or religious beliefs should not be held vulnerable to a force of terrorists or extremist group such as the Nazi’s on the Jews. The last principle of catholic social teachings that were violated by the actions of the Nazi’s during the holocaust was care for God’s creations. This is the principle that was violated the most, throughout the holocaust Jews were abused and worked to death and killed with various ways of torture showing complete disregard to God’s wishes of loving all and his creations. Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky. Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence tha t deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live. Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes. Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never. †– Elie Wiesel. This quote shows the experience of a Jew who was actually in a concentration camp and he had to deal with the pain and suffering and this quote brings out all the sick torture he received in a quote and how he will be scared for life and will never forget what happened to him at the concentration camp. â€Å"They thought we were stupid to do it, (hide Jews) of course; in fact, it was beyond their comprehension that we would risk so much for Jews. – Diet Eman. This quote shows even if it was stupid to help Jews and hide them because of the risk of being killed it was worth it because he was aware of God’s wishes and how the creation of god should be loved so this noble man sacrificed and put his own life at risk just to help and care for one of God’s creations. The cause of poverty in the United States is many things in today’s soci ety, such as the worsening of the economy, job cuts, drug and alcohol addiction, gambling, poor income, and not attending college. In many cases some of these cause’s can intervene and affiliate with each other. For example if someone is poor from spending all of their money on alcohol and drugs the might try to gamble to get money back, or if someone does not attend college they might not get enough money from their job to provide for themselves or a family if they have one. â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. †– John F, Kennedy. This quote by the former president of the United States claims that if a nation can’t help their people who are suffering through poverty it can’t save the corrupt rich citizens who don’t donate and try to help the struggling lower class then they don’t disserve to be wealthy. This is a secondary source because John F. Kennedy did not suffer from poverty. â€Å"Poverty is often concealed in splendor, and often in extravagance. It is the task of many people to conceal their neediness from others. Consequently they support themselves by temporary means, and everyday is lost in contriving for tomorrow. – Samuel Johnson. This quote is a secondary source because Samuel Johnson did not suffer through poverty. This quote is saying that poverty is not just brought upon someone but if you don’t work hard enough it will come upon you so you must stay humble and never become to lazy and always strive for the best. â€Å"I am a poor man, but I have thi s consolation: I am poor by accident, not by design. †– Josh Billings. This quote shows that poverty is not planned but if you don’t work hard enough it will come to you, this man did not want to be poor but it caught up to him because his lack of effort and laziness. This quote is a primary source because it is written by someone who has experienced poverty. â€Å"The seven deadly sins†¦ food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man’s neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted. †– George Bernard Shaw. This quote represents everything that can corrupt a man and transform a good man into a sinner and these actions will leave him corrupt and poor. Poverty is experienced through out the world in large numbers but continues to grow as a huge struggle for The United states. I have my own personal experience with poverty in my life, as do many citizens of the United States. My personal experience with poverty was about two years ago my aunt who is also my godmother, and a very strong woman in my life whom I look up to was fired from her job because her company needed to save money. This impacted my life in a huge way because my aunt had nowhere to stay and she had to live with e and my family until she found a new job and was able to afford a new house. During this time period every day after my homework I would look in the newspaper with my aunt and help her find jobs that sounded like fun because it made me sad seeing my aunt like this because I looked up to her and she is one of the most inspirational women in my life because of the way she faugh through her struggles and overcame poverty and is now very successful. But sadly after my aunt was back on her feet and doing good at her new job a few months later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I heard this news I was heartbroken but I didn’t let it upset me because I know that my aunt is the strongest women ever and she can overcome anything she has been cleared of cancer twice and keeps fighting it off I know she can do anything. Poverty even in today remains as one of the United Stats biggest tribulations. More then 15% of the United States suffers from poverty, this is not acceptable we as proud citizens of the United States should fight for each other and always have one another’s back in hardships such as poverty. Ways average people can help decrease the poverty rate s very simple and will not even contribute too much time out of their day, there are easy fast simple ways we can help people suffering from poverty. These ways are doing charitable acts such as donating money, food and shelter to homeless people, or simply just can food drives at your local school just try to get involved and help your fellow neighbor’s. Poverty may be strong but as a powerful unified nation we can do anything and poverty would stand no chance against us because we are gods children and we can do anything! How to cite Poverty in New York City, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Police Brutality Essay Example For Students
Police Brutality Essay Police Brutality Essay When one thinks of police misconduct many not too distant stories might go through our heads. Most adults will remember how they felt when they saw the brutal beating of Rodney King on their local news station; or the outrage they experienced when they heard that the evidence in the OJ Simpson trial had been tampered with. But thanks to new guidelines, procedures and even civilian groups who now police the police, instances of police misconduct may soon start seeing a decline. In the past police misconduct was loosely defined, if at all. But with recent cases receiving so much news coverage legal definitions have been worked out. The term police deviance includes brutality, discrimination, sexual harassment, intimidation and illicit use of weapons (Barker and Carter, 1986). Another definition of police misconduct is when police officers violate: 1.formally written normative rules 2. traditional operating procedures 3.regulations and procedures of police and other public service agencies 4. criminal and civil laws (Linch and Diamond, 1983) Recently, an Inglewood police officer was captured on videotape slamming a sixteen-year old boy on the trunk of a squad car and punching him in the face even though the youngster was handcuffed. A year after the King atrocity, two white Detroit police officers bludgeoned Malice Green to death with their flashlights tearing off part of his scalp. Three years later, five foot five inch-one hundred forty five pound Johnny Gammage was pulled over while driving through a predominantly white Pittsburgh suburb, only to be choked and beaten to death after allegedly attacking five white police officers. In 1997, a New York City police officer rammed a stick from a toilet plunger six inches into the rectum of Abner Louima rupturing his intestines (Troutt 6). To make matters worse the officer stuck the soiled stick into the victims mouth. Two years later, Amadou Diallo and former pro football player Demetrius DuBose were murdered by New York City and San Diego police respectively. Diallo was shot by four white plain-clothes officers while standing in the vestibule of his own Bronx apartment building. According to the officers upon approaching the building Diallo stepped back inside as if to hide. When Diallo reached into his pocket the officers fired a total of 41 shots, striking him 19 times. What the police thought was a gun turned out to be a wallet (Jeffries,2001) That summer, DuBose, previously of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New York Jets was shot by two white San Diego police officers. The officers were investigating a burglary when they happened upon the multi-millionaire and Notre Dame graduate. An investigation by the familys attorney revealed that DuBose cooperated with the officers investigation until they began to ;harass and intimidate; him (Amnesty International 1999a). The officers claimed that DuBose charged at them with a pair of nunchakus sticks, a martial arts weapon that he allegedly wrestled away from one of them. Several onlookers said DuBose was shot in the back (Perry A3). To add insult to injury after shooting DuBose the officers stood over his body for more than ten minutes before calling an ambulance (Amnesty International 1999c). An autopsy report revealed that DuBose was shot twelve times, six in the back (Perry A3). When asked to explain how a young man of DuBoses stature could end up being killed in this manner San Diegos police chief called it an isolated incidentan aberration (Jeffries, 2001) Ms.Cheng, a member of the Oct 22 Coalition say that as of 1990 more than 2000 deaths have resulted because of police brutality. In more than 30 cases suspects have been shot, killed or injured by NYC police officers in questionable circumstances in recent years. Breast Cancer Essay Their are two kinds of police brutality. One occurs when emotions run high for example, during mass demonstrations or riots. The other kind is carried out systematically and regularly in the line of duty and is often times fueled by stress, frustration, racial intolerance or for intimidation. The second type of misconduct is deliberate and calculating and is potentially more disturbing to .
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